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The Wall Cookbook

The Wall Cookbook creates posters designed to make you a better cook. "We think cookbooks fulfill other functions than actually expanding your repertoire of dishes. It provides inspiration and satisfaction, which is good in itself. But it rarely motivates the reader to actually adopt the recipes. Today's cookbooks are more often created to build the trademark of the sender than to either facilitate everyday life or make the reader a better cook. The plate or mobile phone is obviously not adapted to carry with you in the kitchen. Just as a professional chef needs to repeat a sequence to learn the right or the technique outside We believe that the same goes for a home cook. In short, we believe that you as a food cook do what you see in front of you. That is how you learn to cook intuitively. for real."
Regular price €29.95
Regular price €29.95
Regular price €29.95
Regular price €29.95